How Does Breast Augmentation Affect Breastfeeding?

How Does Breast Augmentation Affect Breastfeeding?

Date 18 Apr 2024  

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Breast Implants and Breastfeeding

One of the major worries that women have with any breast surgery, like a breast augmentation using implants, is what impact it can have on their ability to breastfeed in the future.

Well breast augmentation can have varying effects on breastfeeding, depending on factors such as surgical technique, implant type, and individual anatomy. While many women with breast implants can breastfeed successfully, others may encounter challenges that require support and guidance from plastic surgeons. But, there is no direct effect on breast milk production, shares a plastic surgeon in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics.

By understanding the complexities of breast augmentation and its potential impact on breastfeeding, women can manage their aesthetic and maternal health. Consulting with qualified and skilled cosmetic and plastic surgeons and prioritising breast health are critical steps in this journey.

Read on to learn about breast augmentation in Hyderabad and its effect on breastfeeding with the insights shared by a plastic surgeon at Eternelle Aesthetics.

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure opted for by many women to enhance the size, shape, or symmetry of their breasts. It helps boost their confidence and self-esteem.

In breast augmentation, breast implants are typically installed into small or less fuller breasts to increase breast volume or improve symmetry. The most common method is the “inframammary” approach, where an implant is placed in the breast crease, where the breast connects with the chest wall, typically under the pectoral muscle.

What factors can affect breastfeeding after breast augmentation?

Several factors can influence breastfeeding outcomes, including:

  • Type of Incision: The location and depth of the incision made during breast implant surgery can impact the ability to breastfeed. An incision that keeps the areola intact is less likely to cause breastfeeding problems.
  • Location of Implants: Implants placed below the chest muscle usually affect milk production less than those placed above the muscle. The position of the implant linked to milk glands and ducts will be affected.
  • Nerve Damage: Breast augmentation surgery may affect the nerves within the breast. Nerve damage could impact lactation.
  • Reason for Surgery: Women who undergo breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons are less likely to face breastfeeding challenges. However, those with underlying conditions such as breast hypoplasia may experience difficulties.
  • Timing of the Surgery: Starting breastfeeding farther away from the time of surgery increases the chances of having a sufficient milk supply. Delaying surgery until after weaning your last child is a practical approach.

What impact can breast augmentation have on breastfeeding? 

Here are the considerations to make if seeking breast augmentation with implants without a bad impact on breastfeeding ability:

  • Types of Breast Implants: There are two primary types of breast implants: saline and silicone. In saline implants, sterile salt water is present within a silicone shell, while silicone gel is present in silicone implants. Both types have advantages and disadvantages when it comes to breastfeeding.
  • Impact on Milk Production: While breast implants typically do not interfere with the glands responsible for milk production (the mammary glands), there may be cases where milk production is reduced due to surgical factors or changes in breast tissue.
  • Surgical Techniques and Nipple Sensation: The surgical approach used in breast augmentation can influence breastfeeding outcomes. Incisions around the areola (periareolar) or under the breast (inframammary) may carry a slightly higher risk of affecting nipple sensation or milk ducts, potentially impacting breastfeeding.
  • Considerations for Nipple and Areola Sensation: Nipple sensation is crucial for successful breastfeeding, as it helps stimulate the milk ejection reflex. Women considering breast augmentation should discuss potential changes in nipple sensation with their surgeons to understand the risks and make informed decisions.
  • Potential Challenges: While many women with breast implants can breastfeed successfully, some may encounter challenges such as reduced milk supply, difficulty with latching, or discomfort during breastfeeding. These challenges may be due to surgical factors, changes in breast anatomy, or altered nipple sensation.
  • Consultation with a Professional: Before undergoing breast augmentation, women who plan to breastfeed in the future should consult with a plastic surgeon and a lactation consultant. It allows for a thorough assessment of individual factors, discussion of potential risks, and personalised recommendations to optimise breastfeeding outcomes.
  • Monitoring Breast Health: Regular breast health check-ups are essential for all women, including those with breast implants. Women who have had breast augmentation should inform their healthcare providers about their implants to ensure proper breast examination techniques and screening for breast cancer.
  • Bonding and Nutrition: Remember that any amount of breast milk benefits your baby. Breastfeeding provides essential bonding and nutrition.
  • Safety: Breastfeeding with implants is safe. The composition of breast milk remains unaffected. With the proper knowledge and support, any woman can have a positive breastfeeding experience even after getting a breast implant. They should know that every drop of breast milk counts. 

Breastfeeding after breast augmentation is possible!

Breastfeeding after breast augmentation is possible, but addressing any potential discomfort is essential. Here are several points to be focused on:

  • Women should consult their doctor for guidance and personalised advice to address their concerns.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should practise skin-to-skin contact early as it helps cue their body to produce more milk and establishes a strong breastfeeding bond with the child.
  • Women should ensure a proper and comfortable breastfeeding environment.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should monitor their baby’s weight and diaper-wetting output. Adequate weight gain and frequent wet diapers indicate the baby is getting enough milk.
  • The mother should hold the breast behind the areola and gently guide it into the baby’s mouth. They should ensure a deep latch to prevent sore nipples and encourage efficient milk transfer.
  • Proper hydration and nutrition are necessary for mothers to produce breast milk. They should drink plenty of water and have a balanced diet.
  • Breastfeeding success often depends on perseverance and confidence. Lactating mothers should trust their bodies’ ability to produce milk and stay committed.
  • Lactating women must remember that any amount of breast milk will benefit the baby, even if the woman faces challenges.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should understand how breast implants may impact milk production. Learn about potential challenges and strategies to overcome them.

Can you breastfeed with implants?

Breastfeeding with implants is possible, but experiences may vary from person to person. If a woman is considering breast augmentation surgery in Hyderabad and plans to breastfeed, then consultation with both a breast surgeon and a lactation consultant is essential.

They can guide the best surgical approach and help achieve successful breastfeeding outcomes. Remember that any decision related to breast augmentation should align with the woman's overall health and well-being.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful journey, and whether a woman chooses to breastfeed with implants or not, prioritise what feels suitable for the mother and the baby. For more details, get in touch with a female Cosmetic Gynaecologist In Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics.