Four Causes of Loss of Sex Drive in Women

Four Causes of Loss of Sex Drive in Women

Date 28 Aug 2023  

Libido represents one’s desire or sexual appetite. As per the experts, there are two types of sexual desire: Spontaneous and Responsive. Spontaneous desire is the kind that arises naturally, like a sudden urge commonly also referred to as feeling excited. This desire is common in teenagers and young adults. 

Response desire, referred to as responsive, emerges in reaction to external stimuli. It occurs when one becomes sexually stimulated while engaging in sexual activities such as reading a stimulating story or experiencing the touch of someone you find sexually attractive. In this case, the arousal precedes the desire for sex and the pursuit of it. 

But sometimes, there is a loss of sexual desires in females, leading to a lack of libido. In this guide, the female cosmetic gynaecologist in hyderabad will share information on the causes of libido and which treatment options can help them gain their healthy sexual life back.

What are the Causes of Loss of Sex Drive in Women?

“Low sex drive in women is common and can be prevalent due to various factors.” But finding the root cause can pave the way for an effective treatment. And in several cases, it can be as simple as changing the medication a person is currently taking. 

Here are some common causes for low sex drive in women:  

1. You’re on Birth Control Pills or an Antidepressant: 

Birth control pills come with oestro-gen and proge-stin hormones, which can lead to a reduced level of testosterone- the hormone responsible for sexual desire. Additionally, the intake of antidepressants, like SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), can also commonly lead to sexual side effects. SSRIs are known to increase the serotonin level in the body, promoting a sense of calmness and reduced anxiety. They also result in lowering your libido.

Apart from medication, other elements, such as underlying medical conditions, contribute to lowering sex drive. Open communication with your doctor is very crucial in addressing these concerns. 

2. Natural Hormone Changes Due to Pregnancy or Menopause: 

Fluctuations in hormones during pregnancy and breastfeeding can result in low sex desire. Alongside hormonal changes, fatigue and the stress of becoming a new parent may also decrease your libido.

During the transition phase, as women approach menopause, there is a dip in sex drive as the oestro-gen levels drop. It results in vaginal dryness and discomfort in sexual activity. 

If you are facing an issue with feeling like yourself again after childbirth or discomfort during sex, the gynaecologist in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics can help. 

Don’t be hesitant to speak up!

3. Mental Health:  

If you are facing issues like anxiety or depression, stress due to poor body image and low self-esteem and when you don’t feel well about yourself, sex is the last thing on your mind. 

Several other substances used as coping methods, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other substances, can further compromise physical health.

If your mental health challenges negatively affect your overall well-being, it is crucial to seek support from your doctor. The doctor will guide the adoption of healthy coping strategies to deal with stressors effectively.   

4. The Issue in Your Romantic Relationship: 

In many women, emotional closeness plays a crucial role in fostering intimacy. Therefore, if you are facing issues with your relationship, it may be the root cause of a diminished sex drive. 

Issues such as lack of connection, unresolved conflicts, or trust issues that need to be fixed urgently can significantly impact your sexual desire. Marriage counselling or couples therapy can do wonders for you in such cases. Prioritising quality time can go a long way to deepen emotional and physical bonds.    

What are the Treatments for Low Sex Drive in Hyderabad?

A comprehensive treatment approach is recommended for most of the women having low sex drive. The approach typically includes the following: 

  • Sex Education and Counselling
  • Medication 
  • Hormone therapy

Sex Education and Counselling:  

Seeking a consultation with a counsellor having expertise in addressing sexual concerns can help you in dealing with a lower sex drive. During therapy sessions, valuable education about sexual responses and techniques might be discussed. Therapists often suggest reading material or couple exercises. These therapies or sessions play a vital role in addressing the relationship issues, encouraging both partners to actively participate in improving their intimacy. 


During the consultation, the doctor will assess the medication you are already taking to identify any potential sexual side effects. For example, certain antidepressants tend to lower sex drive.

Certain antidepressants might be recommended that tend to boost sexual drive or arousal.

In addition to counselling, the doctor may consider prescribing medication to boost your libido. For premenopausal women, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved options are:

  • Flib-anserin: This pill is taken once a day at bedtime. A few side effects need to be considered along with taking this medicine, such as low blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. 
  • Fluc-onazole: It is a common medication used to treat vaginal yeast infections. But avoid alcohol consumption, as it can worsen the side effects. 
  • Bremela-notide: An injection given under the skin in the belly or thighs before anticipated sexual activity. Some women may experience nausea, which is common after the first injection but tends to improve with the second injection. 

Other side effects include vomiting, flushing, headache, and skin reaction at the injection site. 

It is vital to note that these medications are not FDA-approved for use in postmenopausal women. 

Hormone Therapy:

Dryness or shrinking of the vagina are the trademark signs of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. However, certain hormone medications may help in sexual comfort. 

Potential hormone therapies include:

  • Oestro-gen: Available in various forms such as pills, patches, sprays, gels, vaginal creams, slow-releasing suppositories, or rings. 
  • Testos-terone: Although it occurs less in women, the male hormone testos-terone plays a vital role in female sexual function. It is not FDA-approved but prescribed off-label to boost diminished libido.
  • Ospem-ifene: Available in pill form, this medication can help relieve painful sex symptoms in women. 

Addressing the underlying cause of low libido in females is important for effective results. Open communication, counselling, and medical consultation at Eternelle Aesthetics with a low libido treatment doctor in Hyderabad can help. Along with these, regular exercise, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and stress management may improve libido in females. 

Consult the experts at Eternelle Aesthetics for proper diagnosis and tailored treatment options for managing these issues and achieving an improved quality of sex life.