Are You Worried About Pain After Plastic Surgery? This Is What You Need To Know.

Are You Worried About Pain After Plastic Surgery? This Is What You Need To Know.

Date 29 Aug 2023  

Plastic surgery is a medical area focusing on human body reconstruction, restoration, or enhancement. It is classified into cosmetic, reconstructive, and practical. These plastic surgeries are increasingly popular and help people improve their physical appearance and self-confidence.

On the other hand, aesthetic procedures can be necessary and not optional in many situations, such as after a burn or an accident. While some surgeries are simple, others can be complicated and necessitate substantial preparation and postoperative recovery.

The recovery process following a plastic or cosmetic treatment can be complex, and patients may require specialised care to ensure a quick recovery and reduce the risk of problems and hospital readmissions. Many people are also worried about pain after cosmetic or plastic surgery. In this blog, one of the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics will share some valuable information on the pain after plastic surgery and how to reduce it and ensure early and healthy healing following surgery. 

Pain After Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgeons' technology and equipment have evolved over the last few years. Most of these advancements are directed toward reducing the pain and suffering experienced by patients during and after treatment. Every surgeon's goal is for the patient to experience the most minor pain possible. Still, the truth is that it is impossible to undergo surgery and not experience some level of discomfort during recovery.

A qualified surgeon performs every procedure with exceptional accuracy to minimise the possibility of substantial scars and any pain. While some discomfort is expected after plastic surgery, it should be bearable, and any pain should fade quickly during recovery. The pain level is also personal, as various conditions might influence the discomfort after surgery.

A Variety of Factors Influence How Much Pain a Patient Experiences, such as:

1. Patient's age at the time of the surgery

Age can influence how much pain people experience. On an average, young people are more sensitive to pain than older people.

2. Pain tolerance and previous pain experiences of the patient

Experience is the most critical aspect when it comes to pain perception. If an individual has never had surgery or been in an accident that resulted in severe pain, their tolerance level may be shallow. Recovery from plastic surgery may be excruciatingly painful for them, yet someone who has had a dozen procedures in their lifetime may be unaffected by recovery from plastic surgery.

3. Whether or not anaesthesia is administered

The choice of anaesthesia can influence whether patients experience pain during and after plastic surgery. Anaesthesia is a highly effective approach to allowing patients to undergo painless plastic surgery because it restricts the brain's perception of pain. It can also help minimise nausea and vomiting after surgery.

4. Type of Plastic Surgery Procedure Performed

Every procedure is unique. Some plastic surgeries need only a tiny incision and cause no discomfort (even for the most anxious patients), but others require advanced techniques requiring weeks of recovery.

Is It What You Need To Know?

If an individual is about to have plastic surgery or is recovering from one, they look to speed up the healing process and reduce suffering. Plastic surgery patients tolerate the recovery time well, and most of them found it more straightforward than expected; their adherence to the pre-operative and postoperative recommendations aids in keeping individuals comfortable following their desired plastic surgery procedures.

Enhancing Recovery After Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery

Follow a Pain Medication Schedule

The size and the surgery will determine the amount of pain relief and the interval between pills. The doctor will prescribe or recommend the correct dosage during the pre-operative appointment. It is critical to complete the prescription or obtain the required over-the-counter medication in the days preceding the procedure. After the process, doctors will inform patients and their caretakers about pain medication consumption. Doctors advise patients to take their tablets on time to minimise any extra suffering caused by skipped pills. Taking pain medicine on time can be helpful for the patient.

R.I.C.E. Method

After surgery, all surgical patients should use the R.I.C.E. method to lessen pain, swelling, bruising, and scarring.

  • Rest: Rest is essential for healing, especially in the first day or two after surgery.
  • Ice: Applying an ice pack on the incision site lowers the chance and extent of side effects.
  • Compression: Wearing a compression garment or tight bandaging helps the body maintain its new form and decreases inflammation.
  • Elevation: Keeping the head raised for a few days following surgery, even while sleeping, helps hasten healing. During the early healing period, try to maintain a semi-upright position.

Take Short Walks

Although rest is essential for the healing process, remaining inactive for an extended period can hinder healing. Take brief (5-minute) walks throughout the day for the first day or two after surgery. It will stimulate blood flow and help patients feel better sooner.

Do Not Overexert Yourself

At the same time, one doesn't want to overdo it. One should refrain from participating in moderately vigorous activity or lifting anything heavy. It may place undue strain on the incision and related tissues.

Reduce Sodium Consumption

Intaking excess sodium causes inflammation, consuming salty or processed meals can delay the process of recovery. The doctor encourages patients to limit their sodium intake for at least two weeks following surgery.

Drink Enough Water

Water is necessary for healing, even if one doesn't feel like it; drinking the required water each day during recovery is a good idea.

Speak Up If the Pain Continues

Although transient pain and discomfort are typical following plastic surgery, substantial pain that lasts or intensifies for weeks is not. As a result, it is critical to express any changes or concerns to the surgeon to avoid potential complications and make the healing process as comfortable as possible.

Plastic surgeries in Hyderabad performed at Eternelle Aesthetics are not extremely painful, and in some cases, pain management is needed. However, pain tolerance varies greatly; some people require more pain relief treatment than others.

Preparation for postoperative pain begins before the procedure. A good experience depends on good interaction and an understanding of the plan.

Strong pain relievers may be required at the beginning of any procedure. Still, within a short period, usually one to three days, patients can reduce the solid painkillers and manage on basic analgesics.

Consult now for more information on plastic surgical procedures with the experts at Eternelle Aesthetics!